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Just bought your first motorhome? Congratulations! But that’s not all you’ll need for a successful motorhome trip! These must-have accessories will make all your tours much more enjoyable.

To really become your new home on wheels, your new motorhome will need a few little extras onboard. If you’re new to the touring game, make sure you pick up these 18 essential motorhome accessories before your first adventure.

When you’ve invested so much time, money and effort into finding the perfect motorhome, don’t forget to check whether your motorhome insurance quote offers the cover you need. That’s something the specialist team at Motorhome Protect can do for you, just give us a call and we’ll get you sorted.



Yes, it’s really easy to be dazzled by all the fabulous gadgets and goodies on offer in camping stores and motorhome shows up and down the country. So, that’s why we’ve put our heads together and asked what you actually need for your first motorhome trip away.

What items are really essential and what could help you out of a tight spot on your travels?

From parking up and hooking up, to cooking up and cleaning up, read on to discover Motorhome Protect’s top suggestions of what to pack on your first touring holiday.

We’ve also added some ideas for safety equipment and travel accessories you should keep in your vehicle for UK and European travel.

1. Keep it steady with levelling blocks or ramps

As a newbie, you might see a picturesque spot and decide to set up camp. But wait! If your motorhome is parked on any kind of slope then you’ll find living and sleeping in your home on wheels a bit of a challenge. Your motorhome needs to sit level on its pitch and for that you’ll need levelling ramps.

Levelling ramps are great little accessories that you drive your motorhome onto to make it level. Depending on the surface on which you’re camping as well as the motorhome’s model, weight and size, there are a number of different makes to choose from.

Brands to look out for include Froli, Fiamma and Milenco. Simple, inexpensive and very effective to use, you’ll not only sleep better but your sinks and shower will drain properly, too, and your cup of tea won’t keep sliding off the table!

We love levelling ramps. That’s why they’re one of our top 10 accessories that are essential for your travels.

Something worth looking out for is a bag to keep them in, too. Many sets come with a cover to keep any mud and wet off other items when you store them away.

And don’t leave home without a mini spirit level. This one can easily be screwed to a dashboard or other surface so you’ll know when your motorhome is positioned just right.

2. Electric hook-up kit to power your adventure

Bought a motorhome so you can escape your daily life and disconnect from those mobile devices? We don’t blame you! But it’s still important to be able to access some kind of power supply while you’re on the road.

For your first time away from home, you’ll probably stay mostly at campsites. And in that case, you’ll be able to connect to the mains power where there’ll be an electric hook-up available, but only if you’ve got the right kit.

You’ll want a hook-up cable to connect the campsite electric system to your motorhome. These usually have an orange cable and blue, waterproof plugs on the ends and come in two lengths, either 10m or 25m. We’d suggest opting for the longer length in case of every eventuality.

You might also want to grab a couple of handy hook-up adapters, too. This one is particularly useful as it allows you to plug your motorhome in at home and keep its batteries charged up while on the drive.

3. Food-grade hose for topping up your freshwater

Filling up the freshwater tank in your motorhome is going to require a decent hose. And not just any old hose.

You may ask, ‘what’s wrong with a garden hose?’ Well, bacteria can easily form and grow on the lining, which is not a good mix when you’re going to drink water that has passed through it.

This is a great example of a food-grade, non-toxic hose perfect for fresh water. Such food-grade hoses are smooth on the inside and prevent bacteria from getting a foothold.

Another handy accessory to make filling the onboard water tank quick and easy is a water inlet filler cap like this one.

This lets you connect your hose to your motorhome and then walk away without having to worry that the water pressure will push the hose out onto the floor. A real newbie mistake!

Finally, don’t forget you’ll need some chemicals to treat the water system and keep it clean. This is particularly important at the start of the touring season when your motorhome might have been in storage for a few months.

4. Prevent blockages with dissolving toilet roll

As your motorhome will be brand new – or at least new to you – it’ll be a real novelty using the facilities when you’re on tour! However, you don’t want to embarrass yourself with blockages on site. Take along a pack of Aqua Soft toilet tissue from Thetford.

This stuff is specially formulated to flush away easily and dissolve in the waste water holding tank. The manufacturer Thetford not only makes the toilets in many motorhomes but also a wide variety of chemicals to keep your onboard loo clean and fresh.

When shopping for chemicals you’ll probably notice a variety of colours available including blue, pink, green and purple. Green chemicals are ideal for environmentally conscious campsites, or those that use septic tanks.

Be aware, many campsites now specify the use of green toilet fluids as they try to limit their environmental impact on the surrounding areas. Something worth checking before arrival.

5. Travel washing machine to save on time, money, water and space

If you’re heading off for longer than a weekend, no list of essential motorhome accessories would be complete without something to deal with the laundry. And while some campsites do have their own laundry facilities, these can soon get expensive.

Featured in our list of best motorhome and camping accessories for 2022, the Scrubba Travel Washing Machine will give you clean, fresh-smelling clothes in no time. Provided you’ve got a camping washing line to dry your wet stuff.

6. Refillable LPG bottle

With a shortage of LPG gas cylinders in the UK, you might face difficulties finding gas for your new motorhome. And with gas potentially needed to run your cooker, oven, grill and fridge, this could cause a real problem for your first-time adventure.

A refillable system could help you get around this dilemma. There’s a wide range to choose from including Safefill, GAS IT and GASLOW.

And on the subject of LPG gas, if you’ve bought a second-hand motorhome, check to see if there’s an LPG sticker on the gas storage cupboard. It’s a legal requirement that there must be one to show emergency services where the LPG gas bottle is in case of a problem.

Yours might have faded or even fallen off completely. They’re very cheap and need to be replaced regularly.

7. Fire and safety equipment

fire extinguisher in front of fire

True essentials for any overnight motorhome trip. Most new motorhomes come with a smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector fitted as standard. But it’s always worth checking, especially if you’ve bought a second-hand vehicle.

A fire blanket and fire extinguisher are also worth having. When you get a motorhome insurance quote, ask if these things affect how much you pay for cover.

When it comes to safety, other vital equipment to pack includes hi-vis vests, a torch and a decent first aid kit. And if you’re travelling to the continent then you’ll need headlight beam converters to ensure you stay on the right side of the law. Check on the government’s website to see what you’ll need to take when driving abroad.

Holidaying in Europe is a popular pastime for motorhome fans. Make sure your motorhome insurance quote includes cover for European travel. Here at Motorhome Protect we offer unlimited cover across all countries that are part of the European Union.

8. Pedal locking device for added security

As a recent shopper for motorhomes, you’ll know how popular they are and how difficult they can be to get hold of. Unfortunately this desirability has led to an increase in theft and damage.

As well as door and window locks, you’ll want a brake or pedal locking device to keep your motorhome properly protected. Perhaps this classic brake lock or this pedal lock from Milenco which won the best motorhome gadget prize at the Practical Motorhome Awards 2022?

9. Tyre inflator kit

As a first-time motorhome owner, you might be surprised to learn that many motorhomes don’t actually come with a spare tyre from the manufacturer. In an effort to save on space and weight, a spare tyre is often considered surplus to requirements.

However, if you’re far from home and get a puncture then it won’t be a good time to find this out. With no tools or puncture fixing skills required, the Fix and Go Tyre Repair Kit could be a real holiday-saver.

Easy to store and transport, this kit is ideal for sealing punctures up to 6mm and will last up to 125 miles. So, plenty of time for you to get back home or at least to a nearby garage.

10. Motorhome sat nav to help with exploration

One of the biggest mistakes new owners make is driving down roads or lanes that are too narrow for their motorhome. Multi storey car parks and some garage forecourts can also cause problems, so always remember to check the height of your vehicle before driving into places like this!

A sat nav suitable for a motorhome can prove an invaluable accessory on any adventure. Maps are great, but when you’re busy trying to master the finer points of motorhome manoeuvring, then a sat nav will give you one less thing to think about.

Wondering how to choose the right sat nav for your motorhome? Then look no further than this handy Motorhome Protect guide, which includes what to look out for and our pick of the best sat navs on the market right now.

They’ll let you enter the specific height, weight and width of your home on wheels, helping you find the route that’s right for you.

11. Reversing cameras for tricky spots

Picture the scene. It’s a warm summer’s evening and you’ve just arrived at a busy campsite. The only spot left is pretty tight so it’s going to require some careful manoeuvring. With all those experienced eyes watching you, that can be a daunting prospect for a newbie owner.

Many of the latest motorhomes will already feature reversing cameras in their armoury. However, if yours doesn’t then you’d better to add one to your kit.

You need to be aware of all the risks you might encounter at the campsite - theft and damage being just two of them. Come to Motorhome Protect for a motorhome insurance quote today and we’ll help you find the cover that’s right for you.

12. Mattress topper for a comfy night's sleep

Camping out in your motorhome for the first time is so exciting, but sometimes the experience doesn’t quite live up to expectations. Often a big reason for this is if you’ve had an unsettled night's sleep.

There are many tips, tricks and accessories for a restful night’s kip in your cosy motorhome. But one of the best is to invest in a mattress topper and a set of heavyweight duvets and pillows to keep the morning chill at bay. Ah bliss!

13. Handy 12v vacuum

With only limited space, if you spend lots of time in your motorhome, you’ll soon find it in need of a clean. A small 12v vacuum cleaner like this rather flashy one from Dyson could prove to be money well spent.

Leaving crumbs and food stuff in your motorhome will only encourage insects and mice to move in with you, too. Make sure all food is sealed and packed away properly before heading off to bed.

14. Internet essentials

How to get the internet in your motorhome  is a question many people ask when entering the touring world. Whether planning the next day’s itinerary, booking ferry tickets or streaming your favourite TV show, having access to the internet in your motorhome is often seen as a necessity.

Wi-Fi boosters, dongles, and 4G antennas are just some of the items you might need to add to your pre-trip shopping list.

Something else worth checking is whether your motorhome insurance quote covers the devices you need to get online. These can be expensive items and targets for campsite thieves. If you’re planning on working from your motorhome, make sure laptops are covered by your insurance policy, too.

15. Mirror guards to protect against costly scrapes and prangs

Driving such a wide vehicle down narrow country lanes can be hazardous, in particular for those expensive wing mirrors that stick out even further. Even the most careful of drivers can find them taking a beating from trees, hedgerows and oncoming traffic.

Make sure to get the best you can afford that fits your particular motorhome model. They’re sure to be a lot cheaper than replacing a whole wing mirror.

16. Grip mats for when the weather takes a turn

Getting stuck in the mud is something that happens to even the most experienced motorhome owner now and again. You can thank our unpredictable British weather for that!

Packing a set of grip mats just in case could prove to be the best decision you’ve made all holiday.

If you’re heading straight to the beach with your new purchase, read our tips for driving on sand, too.

17. UK identification sticker

Since the UK left the EU, a lot has changed. But something that may have passed you by is the fact that the old GB number plate stickers are no longer valid when driving your vehicle abroad.

According to the government, if your motorhome features any of the following, you’ll need to replace them with a UK sticker in order to drive overseas.

  • A GB identification sticker
  • An EU symbol
  • The national flag of England, Scotland or Wales
  • Numbers and letters only on the number plate

If you’re new to motorhome ownership, we would always recommend doing a few tours of the UK before heading over the Channel, just to get used to driving such a large vehicle.

18. Motorhome club membership

Not really an accessory but essential nonetheless. Membership of a motorhome club will prove invaluable if you’re a first-time owner. You’ll get access to exclusive sites, discounts on stays, details of forthcoming events and meet-ups and much more.

You’ll also meet hundreds of other like-minded owners. Who knows, you might meet some friends for life!

Motorhome clubs worth considering include:

Remember, your club membership might also affect what motorhome insurance quote you get, so speak to the team at Motorhome Protect and see how much you could save.



motorhome driving on the open road

One of the first things to do when you take ownership of your new motorhome is to protect it with insurance. Even seasoned owners can run into trouble now and again. That’s where Motorhome Protect comes in.

Using our panel of insurers, the team will search out motorhome insurance quotes that are tailored to you, your vehicle and budget.

Our cover can include benefits such as:

  • Cover for motorhomes valued up to £120,000
  • Cover for camping personal effects up to £3,500
  • Unlimited mileage cover
  • Offers for club members
  • Up to 6 months to complete a self-restoration

Call us for a quick motorhome insurance quote today and get your adventures off to the best start.


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